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🔗 European Global Impact Score 🇫🇷

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I create my first component

Before evaluating a final product, its components must be created. Please follow the steps below to do so:

  1. Click on the “new” button to create a new entity, and look for “component 3.1” in the browser



Component creation_1.mp4

  1. Type in your component’s name and click on the “create” button


Component creation_2.mp4

You will then be directed straight to the component form!

<aside> 🎉 Congrats, you just created your first component!


⬇️ Now the next step will be to integrate your activity data ⬇️

Fill in your component’s data

Once created, a component appears in a form. This form system follows a similar logic for each entity category. To learn more, you can click here🖱️.

Composition of a form

Composition of a form

As you can understand, it is required to fill in the activity data of your components to evaluate it.

The form is divided in 2 main parts:

Raw materials


Mandatory data and first evaluation

As you can see in the form, some data are mandatory to assess your component’s impacts, and some optional.

You can see the difference with the little exclamation mark emphasizing the mandatory fields:

Mandatory field

Mandatory field

Optional field

Optional field

<aside> ℹ️ In order to evaluate your component and get its environmental impacts, you will have to implement all the mandatory activity data, corresponding to its raw materials, processes and the potential transports between each steps.


If one of the mandatory field is missing the “Evaluate” button won’t show as there won’t be enough activity data to evaluate your components.

Button if all mandatory fields are filled

Button if all mandatory fields are filled

Therefore, a “Validation error(s)” button will be displayed instead :

Validation error button

Validation error button

You can click on the validation error button to see what activity data are missing before being able to evaluate your product. And if you can click on the missing fields to have a shortcut and be redirected to them:

How to deal with validation errors

How to deal with validation errors

Once all errors are solved the “Evaluate” button will appear and you will be able to evaluate your component. Once done, you will be redirected to the score and ranking page. We go more in details on that, in the next article.

How to evaluate your component

How to evaluate your component

<aside> 🎉 Congratulation your component is now available to be selected in your final product!!!


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