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Is it possible to compare my product to others in Glimpact?

Yes, it is! The whole point of this article is to explain and show you how, in the footprint function, you can compare an analysis case to others and see where it ranks among other products.

How to do it?

To access the comparison module, go to the score and ranking page of the analysis case you want to base your comparison on.

Score & ranking

Score & ranking

From there, you can see the widget “Position in the X category for 20XX.” This widget is what we will use to compare different evaluations to our current case.

<aside> ℹ️ You can compare using either a functional unit or SKU.


Comparison widget

Comparison widget

There is a lot of interesting information you can find in this widget:

  1. You can choose to change the comparison scope by clicking on the little gears, as shown in the following video.
  2. For your scope of analysis, you can:
    1. See where your entity ranks with the little “G” icon and also the exact position with the ranking on the top right.
    2. See the minimum and maximum impacts of the analysis cases present in the scope.
    3. See the average impact of an analysis case.
  3. You can see more details about the top ranking analysis cases of your scope, meaning the ones with the lowest impact.
  4. You can see where your case stands in the current ranking and get more details about other products with a similar impact.

You can also change the scope of analysis, as mentioned before, using the gears icon:

How to change the scope of analysis

How to change the scope of analysis

<aside> 🎉 And there you go, enjoy comparing your products, raw materials or any kind of entity category!


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