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There are two ways to compare products, raw materials, or any type of entity categories in Glimpact:
Project simulations comparison module
In this article, we will explain how to use project simulation to compare different products or other types of objects.
The module helps you to compare and rank according to their impacts, and for any impact category, multiple entities.
The main aspects of the comparison module
As you can see in the picture above, there are two main aspects to help you compare and rank your entities in the ecodesign:
You can, of course, as mentioned earlier, analyze the rankings according to another impact category and see how the ranking evolves depending on the indicator you focus on:
As you can see in the video, the most impactful entities vary depending on the chosen impact category.
Compare according to any impact category of the PEF
Compare according to any impact category of the PEF
To add and compare a new simulation with the existing ones, you can either create a new ecodesign with the same project reference or duplicate an existing one. This way, you can see how your new changes affect its impact compared to the others.
As an example, we could compare the impacts of different materials for a specific component. In the following example we have a 100% knitted cotton, we already did an analysis to compare it to different organic cottons and recycled cotton, and now we want to compare it with recycled polyester.
We can start by duplicating an ecodesign case:
A new form then appears, prefilled with the previous simulation's information:
You can now update your simulation's name to ensure you can identify it later in the rankings.
Finally, you can update your material in your new simulation. Then, click on "Result analysis" to compare the project simulations and see where this new component ranks among the others.
You can, of course, follow the same protocol to compare any other entity categories you want!
Duplicate button
Copy of your old case
Update simulation’s name
Compare a new case to other ones
Compare a new case to other ones
<aside> 🎉 You now know everything about the simulation comparisons in the ecodesign, enjoy!
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