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🔗 European Global Impact Score 🇫🇷

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What are entities and analysis cases and how do they behave and interact with eachother?

In Glimpact, the terms 'entity' and 'analysis case' are frequently used. It's crucial to understand their meanings and differences early on to fully utilize and benefit from the platform.

Analysis case, The lowest level

Let's begin by examining the analysis case. This is the most granular level of objects within Glimpact and is directly related to an impact. This implies that one analysis case always equals one impact.

An analysis case can represent the impact across various categories, such as components, apparel, furniture, etc. We will delve into this further in the category section.

The analysis case will provide results through the score ranking, and explanatory factors pages once you input enough activity data in it. The following scheme represents that logic below:

Analysis case’s logic

Analysis case’s logic

It's important to understand that your activity data is contained in a specific analysis case, not the entity.

Entity, grouping 1 or several analysis cases

An entity can be viewed as a global object. It's not directly related to an impact, but rather serves as a container for one or more other objects, known as analysis cases. For example, consider Europe as an entity, which contains several countries, each representing an analysis case.

<aside> ℹ️ However, note that an entity is never empty; it always contains at least one analysis case. This means when you create a new entity, Glimpact automatically creates a new analysis case within it.


This concept enables you to establish a global entity for a finished good, under which you can classify different impacts based on a parameter of your choice. For instance, the below scheme illustrates how you could assess the impacts of the same finished good over several years, such as a t-shirt.

You'd have your global entity, a basic 100% polyester white knitted t-shirt, and each analysis case would represent a specific year (for instance, 2021, 2022, 2023). This allows you to evaluate your impact multiple times for the same finished good:

Entity’s logic

Entity’s logic

An entity can fall under various categories. For instance, you could create an entity to evaluate a t-shirt, a chocolate, or even an entire organization.

Glimpact’s concept

Glimpact’s concept

Bonus: Entity and Analysis case, creation and ID

Just as a note, when you create a new entity, a new analysis case is automatically generated under it. Both are given a unique ID upon creation, which aids in their identification later. This feature is particularly useful for functions like the export or integration through mass import or API.

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